Czech version


Buggy, the dog – portrait drawing

“A beautiful, breathtaking drawing. I’ve never seen anything so authentic; perfect work.”

Petra M.

Drawing of a rat

“Very well made drawings, definitely ones of the best I have ever seen.”

Pavlína N.

Rikky, the dog – portrait drawing

“I am extremely satisfied, the dog looks ready to jump out of the portrait. Thank you very much!”

Michaela M.

Chip, the dog – portrait drawing

„ I found the whole process very smooth. The agreement was easy and the result exceeded my expectations. Thank you so much! I recommend this artist!”

Jana L.

Puša, the rabbit – portrait drawing

kresba králíka

Sara, the cat – portrait drawing

cat portrait

Mentolka, the rabbit – portrait drawing

Rabbit portrait

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The owner of this website and the operator is MSc. Aneta Baklová, Ph.D. with address Marie Cibulkové Street 1177/10, Prague 4 - Nusle, 140 00. The Processor is registered with company ID 88181421 at the Trade Licensing Office of Prague 4 since 3rd October 2011.